When the weather gets hot and you’re looking for somewhere to cool down, Ruapehu District Council operates a public swimming pool on Raetihi Road, just off the main street behind the gas station, which is open from December-March. The complex features a main pool and learner pool as well as shaded picnic areas and open lawn areas to take in the sun if you choose.

Ohakune Swimming Pools
Season December - March
Opening hours
12noon - 6 pm daily
Excluding Christmas and New Year public holidays hours may vary during school term time.
Adult $2.
Children $1.
Spectators $1.
Burns Pool - Waiouru Military Camp
20 minutes drive from Ohakune
This facility is part of the Waiouru Military training facilities it's advised to ring beforehand to check if a training program is running, in which case the pool will not be open to the public.
Pools: 2 pools 25m, 6 lanes, 1m - 2m depth, indoors,
Children $1.00
Adults $2.00
Telephone (06) 387-5599 ext. 7914
Tokaanu Thermal Pools - Turangi
45 minutes drive from Ohakune
This facility offers private and public thermal bathing pools a taonga of the Ngati Kurauia people a hapu of Ngati Tuwharetoa, which for generations has been recognised as having the ‘wai ora (healing waters)’.
Public Pool 10 am – 9 pm
Private Pools 10am – 8pm (sales close 8pm)
Mangaroa Street, Tokaanu P.O. Box 181, Turangi
​Phone: (07) 386 8575